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September 25th, 2019 ×

Practical - How would we build Airbnb, Twitter, or Reddit?


In this episode, Scott and Wes are trying something new! It's called Practical, in which Scott and Wes take a topic and flesh out all the theory into something super practical. Today's topic comes from a listener question asking how they would build a simple version of a modern web app like Twitter, Reddit, or Airbnb.

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Show Notes

3:03 - Backend

14:45 - Frontend

  • React
  • Next.js
  • Styled components
  • Stay as close to real CSS as possible

22:39 - Deployment process

  • Serverless
  • Now
  • Ideally one app that handles everything

28:38 - Email

33:32 - Users / Auth / Cookies / Permissions

  • Use something like a pre-existing package or service rather than roll your own (though it can get expensive quickly)
  • Passport
  • Auth0
  • accounts-js

38:48 - Images

41:50 - Other things to be aware of


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